Comments: Transforming the Facilitation in the Mindanao Peace

February 15, 2011

in From the Convenors

[The Author: Coordinator, Research and Education for Peace, Universiti Sains Malaysia (REPUSM)
Regional Coordinator, Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network (SEACSN)
Penang, 21 November 2010]

To many interested observers and students of peace like me, a conflict like the GRP-MILF conflict in Mindanao ‘seems’ to possess all the necessary ingredients for peace. However, at closer scrutiny, problems are evident and the formulas somehow lack the final ingredients to make them work. The current stalled status of the peace talks and the complaints from the Philippines government (GRP) about the Malaysian Facilitator and the facilitation process is just an example of the problems that have plagued this peace process and will need to be sorted out quickly.

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